Heat Wave Kills Over 120 In Pakistan

Pakistan’s largest charity, Edhi Welfare Organization has said that its mortuary has been filled to capacity as a result of heatwave-related deaths. Heat wave in Pakistan’s largest city Karachi and nearby districts of Southern Sindh province has killed at least 120 people, Pakistan’s health officials have said.

The southern port city of Karachi saw temperatures reach as high as 45 degrees Celsius on Saturday, just short of an all-time high of 47C in June 1979Dr Seemin Jamali, the head of the emergency department confirmed more than 100 people had died at the hospital. "They all died of heat stroke," she said.

Pakistan's Meteorological Department said temperatures would likely subside in the coming days, but doctors have advised avoiding exposure to the sun and wearing light cotton clothes.

Electricity cuts in turn crippled their water supply system, hampering the pumping of millions of gallons of water to consumers,  Their Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif has  however warned electric supply companies that he would not tolerate power outages especially doing this period of Ramadan.

Heat Wave Kills Over 120 In Pakistan Heat Wave Kills Over 120 In Pakistan Reviewed by Nedugist on 2:22 PM Rating: 5

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