Photos: Oby Ezekwesili consoles mother of Chibok girl, Maida Yakubu, who spoke in new Boko Haram video

Mother of Maida Yakubu, the Chibok girl who spoke in Kibaku language in the new video released by Boko Haram yesterday August 13th, couldn't hold back tears after she saw her daughter that has been in captivity for over two years. Maida's parents were at the BBOG's sit out in Abuja today. 
Former Minister of Education and Convener of the Bring Back Our Girls Group, Oby Ezekwesili,is  pictured above consoling Maida's mother. 
Photos: Oby Ezekwesili consoles mother of Chibok girl, Maida Yakubu, who spoke in new Boko Haram video  Photos: Oby Ezekwesili consoles mother of Chibok girl, Maida Yakubu, who spoke in new Boko Haram video Reviewed by Nedugist on 7:38 PM Rating: 5

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